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Explore the Rideau Canal
and Friends of the Rideau
by following these links:


Our newsletter, Rideau Reflections, is a special membership benefit - mailed directly to your home (well in advance of posting to this website).

Have a look at the links below to see the typical content:

  Newsletter Edition Lead Article
Spring/Summer 2024 (PDF)   The Mysteries at Jones Falls
Fall/Winter 2023 (PDF) The Construction Camp at Newboro
Spring/Summer 2023 (PDF)   Colonel By's First Rideau Trip
Fall/Winter 2022 (PDF) Portages on the Rideau
Spring/Summer 2022 (PDF)   How Much of the Rideau Canal is Man-made
Fall/Winter 2021 (PDF) The Lockstation Offices
Spring/Summer 2021 (PDF)   Rideau Contractors
Fall/Winter 2020 (PDF) The Wrights and the Rideau Canal
Spring/Summer 2020 (PDF) Disease During the Building of the Rideau Canal
Fall/Winter 2019 (PDF) The Depot and Placing the Stones
Spring/Summer 2019 (PDF) A World Class Example of Adaptive Engineering
Fall/Winter 2018 (PDF) Rideau Myths
Spring/Summer 2018 (PDF) Indigenous Use of the Rideau Waterway
Fall/Winter 2017 (PDF) The Royal Sappers and Miners
Spring/Summer 2017 (PDF) Canada and the Rideau Canal
Fall/Winter 2016 (PDF) Waters Divided: Watersheds & Slackwater
Spring/Summer 2016 (PDF) Perth & District's 200th Anniversary
Fall/Winter 2015 (PDF) "It Seems Rather a Puzzler"
Spring/Summer 2015 (PDF) Women at the Rideau Worksites
Fall/Winter 2014 (PDF) The Rideau Canal in Ottawa
Spring/Summer 2014 (PDF) The Power of Water
Fall/Winter 2013 The First Steamboat Trip
Spring/Summer 2013 Commercial Navigation on the Rideau Canal
Fall/Winter 2012 Rideau Canal in Crisis
Summer 2012 Defending the Rideau
Spring 2012 The Military Roots of the Rideau Canal
Fall 2011 Water Water Everywhere
Summer 2011 Mountain Climbing - By Boat
Winter/Spring 2011 Rideau Points of Interest
Fall 2010 Good Fall & Winter Reads
Summer 2010 Good Summer Reads
Winter/Spring 2010 Spring is Coming!
Fall 2009 Looking Back
Summer 2009 Rideau Corridor Landscape Strategy
Winter/Spring 2009 Celebrating the Tay Canal
Fall 2008 A Sensational Sweeney Summer
Summer 2008 Rideau Experiences
Spring 2008 Rideau Viewscapes
Fall 2007 What A Year !!
Summer 2007 A Summer Of Celebration
Spring 2007 It's Our 175th Birthday!
Fall 2006 One Step Closer

General: Home | About Us | Membership | Newsletters | Advocacy | The Depot
Rideau: What's A Rideau | Rideau Corridor | Map | Communities | History | World Heritage | Fishing | Photo Gallery
Information: Tourist Info | Brochures/Guides | Paddling Guides | How A Lock Works | Stop Wash | Loon Aware
Links: Info Links | Web Links

©1997- Rideau Waterway Co-ordinating Association (Friends of the Rideau)

Comments about the website
email: webmaster@rideaufriends.com

Website design & maintenance donated by: Ken W. Watson